| | This site is about the numbers. If you want information about the significance of redistributions or other material related to elections, check out the excellent commentary by Antony Green at antonygreen.com.au/
Here we analyse election results, and can explore the effects of swings (uniform or otherwise). Drilling down to results at the polling place level is easy, and a single click will show you the polling place location in Google Maps.
When the results are initially presented, tap or click the first item in the row (the electorate) to see detail at polling place level.
Select an option:
- Left-right swings are applied to the two leading candidates only.
- If Labor and Liberal are the leading contenders, a swing to the left will favour Labor.
- If Labor and the Greens are the leading contenders, a swing to the left will favour the Greens.
- For the purpose of swing calculations, most independent candidates are considered to be left of the Liberals and right of Labor.
- Swings are applied at polling place level before being aggregated.
- An overswing is reported if, for example, a 10% swing favoured a candidate who already received 95% of the votes from a particular polling place. In this case such a candidate would receive 100% of the vote, but no more.
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